How to use Glow in the dark pigment powder?

How to use Glow in the dark pigment powder?
Glow in the dark pigment powder can also be used in textiles to create unique and eye-catching designs. At the same time, it can be used in paint and signage, which has far-reaching market potential. So how to use Glow in the dark pigment powder? Let's talk about it today.

Glow in the dark pigment powder is a type of phosphorescent pigment that can be used to create fun and unique effects in a variety of applications. Whether you want to add a special touch to your artwork, create a glowing effect on clothing or accessories, or simply make your own glow in the dark paint, using glow in the dark pigment powder can add a touch of magic to any project. In this article, we'll cover how to use glow in the dark pigment powder effectively and create a striking glow that lasts for hours.


What is Glow in the Dark Pigment Powder?

Glow in the dark pigment powder is made up of tiny particles of phosphorescent material that absorb light and then release it slowly over time. The powder is available in a range of colors, including green, blue, pink, and purple, and can be used to create a variety of glowing effects. The powder is made up of a mixture of strontium aluminate and europium, which work together to produce a long-lasting glow that can last for up to 10 hours or more.

How to Use Glow in the Dark Pigment Powder?

There are many ways to use glow in the dark pigment powder, depending on the desired effect. Here are some popular ways to use the powder:

  • Mix with paint: You can mix the powder with any type of clear paint, such as acrylic, latex, or oil-based paints, to create your own glow in the dark paint. For best results, use a ratio of 1 part pigment to 10 parts paint.

  • Apply to surfaces: You can also apply the powder directly to surfaces to create a glowing effect. This works well on clothing, accessories, or any other surface that can be painted. Use a brush or sponge to apply the powder in a thin layer and allow it to dry before using the item.

  • Marking: For night-time marking, you can mix the powder with clear glue or varnish, and then apply it to any surface you want to mark. This can be useful for marking the edges of steps, handrails, and other objects in low-light conditions.

Tips for Using Glow in the Dark Pigment Powder:

  • Use the right amount: For best results, use the recommended amount of powder for the type of project you are working on. Too much powder can create a lumpy, uneven texture, while too little powder may not create enough glow.

  • Charge the powder: Glow in the dark pigment powder needs to be charged by exposure to light before it will glow. For best results, charge the powder with a UV light or sunlight for several hours before use.

  • Apply evenly: When applying the powder, make sure to apply it evenly to create a smooth, consistent glow. Use a light touch and apply several thin layers if needed.

  • Seal the surface: If you are using the powder on a surface that will be handled or touched, such as a piece of clothing or accessory, make sure to seal the surface with clear glue or varnish to prevent the powder from rubbing off.

Usage and dosage in textiles

When using glow in the dark pigment powder in textiles, the amount of pigment powder used and the dosage depends on the desired level of glow and the surface area to be covered. Here are some general guidelines for usage and dosage of glow in the dark pigment powder in textiles:

  • Mix the pigment powder with a textile medium: As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to mix the pigment powder with a textile medium to create a paint-like consistency that can be applied to fabric. The recommended ratio is typically 1 part pigment powder to 10 parts textile medium.

  • Apply the paint mixture to the fabric: Use a brush or sponge to apply the paint mixture to the fabric. For best results, apply the paint mixture in thin, even layers. Depending on the fabric type and color, you may need to apply more than one coat.

  • Charge the fabric: Once the paint is dry, the fabric must be charged by exposing it to light. The length of time required for charging will vary based on the strength of the light source and the amount of pigment powder used. A UV light or direct sunlight is the most effective method for charging. It is recommended to charge the fabric for several hours.

  • Dosage: The amount of pigment powder used will depend on the desired level of glow and the surface area to be covered. As a general guideline, using 20 grams of pigment powder per square meter of fabric is recommended. However, this dosage may vary depending on the fabric type and color.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of the glow in the dark pigment powder may vary depending on the quality of the pigment powder, the textile medium used, and the charging method. Therefore, it is recommended to experiment with different dosages and charging methods to achieve the desired level of glow.


Glow in the dark pigment powder is a fun and unique material that can be used to create striking and long-lasting glowing effects in a variety of applications. By following the tips above, you can use the powder effectively and create a glowing effect that will impress and delight anyone who sees it. So go ahead and experiment with this fun material and let your creativity shine!